How to Patent Ideas, Information and Inventions!

"Put an End to the Stress and HUGE Cost of Protecting Your Ideas and Designs!
- Protect Your Intellectual Property From Freeloaders and Thieves!!

Why Should You Listen to My Advice?

  • I've gone to great lengths to ensure that these books are the easiest to follow patenting, copyrighting and trademarking advice books on the market. They are jam-packed with quality information, presented step-by-step, and are all designed to help you protect your ideas, while saving you thousands of dollars!
  • I've looked at all the Patent Advice books, I've talked to lots of other great thinkers, inventors and entrepreneurs, I've surveyed former customers and, after doing all of that, I am convinced that “How to Patent Ideas, Information and Inventions” is the single best advice for protecting your ideas and inventions.
  • I have also included a free email consultation. These consultations have been extremely popular and give you confidence that all your questions get answered.

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From: John Peterson
October 01, 2024

Dear Friend,

Why did you come to the How to Patent Ideas web site?

Have you developed a new idea or invention but you're worried someone is going to steal your ideas and take credit for your designs and innovations? Have you looked into the patent process and been scared off at the prohibitive cost of getting a lawyer to patent your idea?

If you want to protect your ideas and inventions without paying thousands of dollars in lawyers fees, then you've come to the right place. "How to Patent Ideas, Information and Inventions" provides comprehensive help for entrepreneurs like you who want to patent their ideas and save themselves money at the same time. Lawyers charge between $200- 300 an hour for their work, and it doesn't take long for a huge bill to add up!

I've seen many successful entrepreneurs with good ideas that simply don't have the money to pay lawyers thousands of dollars to protect their ideas. Think of this book as your self-help guide to protecting your investment. You will learn how to patent your ideas yourself, saving yourself thousands of dollars in the process. I'm not saying it's easy as it will take some time and effort, but I know you will be able to do it, and save your ideas from being stolen by someone else.

I have to let you know - you may be making critical mistakes in trying to patent your inventions and not even know it!

Are you frustrated at the quality of patent advice books and tips on the market? Same old stuff? Difficult to follow? Not enough information? Have questions that need answering?

If you're sick and tired of reading about the patent process, the foreign language it all seems to be written in, the difficulty you are having in getting answers to your questions, the uncertainty about how much the whole process is going to cost, the lack of coherent and readable information available and the daunting prospect of having to pay up to $20,000 in lawyer's fees to handle this whole process, then keep reading.

That's why I've invested thousands of dollars in having this product created. A number of people with extensive business and academic backgrounds (including a University Professor) have been involved in producing and refining "How to Patent Ideas, Information and Inventions". You're about to discover secrets to qualifying for a patent, identifying target markets for your invention, evaluating future cash flows, the application process involved in applying for a patent, and how to demystify this whole complicated process!

No matter what kind of problems you are having, this information applies to you, and in virtually all cases, the information will surprise you.

You're going to save yourself stress, frustration, and money. You'll learn to avoid the mistakes and disastrous situations that many other entrepreneurs and inventors have been vulnerable to.

If you aren't considering patenting your ideas, or the whole process just looks too expensive or confusing to you, you may be opening yourself up to let others steal your ideas, and you are allowing them to jeopardize your future income. You may have invested a lot of time, effort and money into your invention, and without a patent you are allowing someone the opportunity to come and take the credit for your designs and profit from your ideas and hard work. If you have invested so much time, effort and money into a project, why risk losing it all by letting someone else take credit for your ideas?

If you want to learn what it really takes to protect all of your hard work and save yourself thousands of dollars at the same time, using informative, useful methods then you have to hear everything I'm going to share with you. It's that important.

You're about to learn comprehensive information including:

  • the foundations of American Patent Law
  • what is involved in a successful patent application
  • what to do when a patent is infringed
  • all the trade secrets and how to keep them secret

The best part about this information is that anyone can do it and it's easy!

Whether you are having major or minor problems, it doesn't matter, I'll show you valuable tips so you can solve your patent dilemma. The information and techniques apply to all patenting problems whether you are a big thinker or just a tinkerer in your shed at home. Best of all, the information and techniques are easy to follow.

Here's a Small Sample of What You'll Learn:

How to stake your claim to your ideas. Don't be at the mercy of the big players.
How to examine your invention. Is it a new idea? Is it useful? Does it work?
Is the idea completely original? Find out before you patent it.
Identify its target market. Who will purchase it? Who is your product aimed at?
Evaluating future cash flows. Will you make enough money from it to cover manufacturing and development costs? Will the product pay for itself?
Variations in patents. Know what type of patent to apply for according to your invention and stage of development.
Specifications of patent applications. This is the most difficult section of a patent application and you MUST complete it properly.
Real-life examples of patent applications including specifications, claims and drawings. See how successful products have been patented.
How to protect your patent and what to do when your patent is infringed.
How to sell your patent. The risks and benefits in selling your idea.

When you're through with this book, I promise you you'll notice dramatic transformations in your approach to protecting your hard work and innovations! Why leave it to chance?

And you'll also learn:

How to protect your trade secrets. Who you need to watch out for.
How to protect your ideas without patenting. How to defend yourself against your competitors.
How to license a patent, and all the necessary steps you need to take.
Foreign patents. Why it is wise to check out patenting laws in foreign countries before you investigate legal action.
The many different types of patent applications and what sort of protection they offer to you and your invention.
The most effective way to sell your new idea or product to the marketplace.
Things to consider when you are thinking about launching a new product. What if someone has already come up with that idea many years before? Where do you search for evidence of innovators that have already developed your idea or patented your process? Is your idea original? We show you how to find if someone has beaten you in the race to develop your invention.
How to maximize your chances of success in the innovation boom.

Will These Secrets Really Work For You?

These secrets have worked for hundreds of entrepreneurs around the world. So what's the catch?  You have to actually do it! Most people who fail, do so because they never take action because they fear its already too late or worry that they will make a mess of the patent application and get it all wrong..

They don't have the patience and passion to safeguard their inventions. They don't have $20,000 to pay a lawyer, so they give up and let all their hard work go down the drain, or worse still they let someone else steal their idea and profit from it, rather than take on their fear of the patent process and achieve immediate results with my help.

If you really truly want to avoid having to shell out thousands of dollars to a lawyer to protect your hard work, if you want to be involved in the process of safeguarding your intellectual property, if you want recognition for your life-changing ideas, ... then there is no doubt in my mind this will work for you.

But you have to want to do it! Here's what others have to say:

" really opened my eyes to what the process is all no longer seems like a foreign language. I got a lawyer friend of mine to check out my patent application and he was very impressed with the quality. He said it is better than if he had done it himself! Your guide has saved me thousands of dollars!", Mark C

"I was so involved in the design process, I figured the patent process was too difficult to try. But your book really did make it easy. Now I can rest assured that my work is recognized as my own.", Paul S

These are just ordinary people like you. They were fed up with the prospect of forking out thousands of dollars to a lawyer to undertake a process they knew very little about. They decided that if a lawyer could figure their way through the complexities of the patenting process, they could at least give it a try! Most of the difficulty was the fear of the unknown. But rather than just complain about it, they took action. They came to a realization that they couldn't afford the legal fees to get a lawyer to do it, so they would either have to try it themselves or let someone else take credit for all their hard work. They had invested too much to give up at this stage, so with my help, they did it themselves and saved thousands of dollars in the process!

To Get You Started, Get Your FREE Subscription To My 'How to Patent ideas, Information and Inventions' Email Newsletter...
Once a week you'll receive a free email newsletter that will teach you secrets to demystify the whole patent application process.

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You can't afford to waste another moment on developing your innovation without safeguarding your hard work. There are already 7 million patents in existence in the United States, and this number grows every year. You don't want to get left behind in the innovation boom.

You can't afford to be procrastinating or wasting valuable resources on paying exorbitant fees for lawyers to do something you can easily do yourself.

You've had advice from other entrepreneurs, cheap lawyers, and friends, you've tried their suggestions, you've spent numerous amounts of money on their services, you may have even tried to do a patent application.... and now you're reading this because all your hard work, time, and money has done you no good. 

You're still stuck with the same old problem. You can't afford to pour thousands of dollars down the drain getting a lawyer to do it, but you also don't have the first idea how to do it yourself.

Most legal advice won't tell you how to process a patent application yourself, because they are doing themselves out of a job, and a lot of money at the same time! They will do their best to confuse you and convince you that they are the only ones capable of doing this application.

They never reveal the steps they take or the tasks they perform to process your patent application. It is in their best interests to keep you in the dark. The less you know about it, the better for your lawyer!

You don't need some "scientifically calculated" formula based on some abstract theory or concept that's impossible to follow (not to mention doesn't work). What you need is someone to explain the patent application process in a manner and a language that you can understand and follow. If you learn even one of the tips in this book it will pay for itself many times over. The more you understand the patent application process and the more you can do, the more money you can save yourself. It's that easy! 

You may not believe this but ...

If you have a trade secret, it may not be necessary to patent your invention.

For example:
Coca-Cola has perhaps one of the most famous trade secrets. If they had patented their product, the patent would have run out many years ago and other competitors would have been able to duplicate and flood the market with Coca-Cola's recipe.

This may not necessarily apply in the case of your product, but if there is a vital component, formula, or ingredient that makes your product unique, it may be worth keeping it a secret so that your competitors will never be able to duplicate it.

Of course, this means you will have to be very careful in where you store your trade secrets. You need to take reasonable protection to make sure that others don't have access to this information. This means the information should be out of view, protected, and not known by more than a very few people.

According to the FBI, the majority of trade secret theft is done from within the company, by employees or unhappy former employees. This is why Coca-Cola keeps their recipe in a locked vault.

You don't need some elaborate and expensive program where you have to consult a dictionary to interpret every second word. You are the best person to explain how your product works and how it is unique. If you are able to do this and explain it in a fashion that an examiner will understand, then you are half way there already. You are the person with a passion for innovation, and the best person to describe your product. You understand your product and are able to explain it in a better way than any lawyer will be able to.

What you need is the ability to understand the application process and the ability to apply your knowledge and expertise about your product and apply that to the patent application. It doesn't have to be complicated. That's where I can help. I have demystified the process and made it accessible to ordinary people like you.

Look, if you:

  • Are frustrated at the HUGE cost of fees for a patent attorney to file an application for you.
  • Want to safeguard your ideas and inventions from your competitors
  • Want to get the credit you deserve for all your hard work and effort
  • Want to have your product pay for itself and maximize your income you receive from your invention.
  • Want to take control of your product development.

If this is you then..... 

"Here's What It Really Takes to PROTECT Your Intellectual Investment - And keep it like that for many years to come"


Look, what do you have to lose? If you aren't 100% happy with this information I don't want you to pay a penny. To put all the risk on my shoulders, I'm offering an Unconditional Satisfaction Guarantee! 

Great News!
This book is available RIGHT NOW through instant download! You can be reading this book and be well on your way to safeguarding your intellectual property and saving yourself thousands of dollars in 10 minutes! Even if you have never downloaded something from the internet before it comes with instructions, it's so easy!
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• No risk of products lost in the mail or damaged.
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Best of All!

Here's best news of all: you made it here just in time to take advantage of an unprecedented offer. (But please don't contact my existing customers about this.)

It's part of a marketing test that's got my accountant up in arms; he thinks that our normal risk-free price of $59.95 is too low. But because the Internet has reduced many of our costs, I'm doing a test and passing our savings on to our Internet customers like you at a special low price until midnight Saturday, October 19th depending on how it affects sales, we may or may not continue the special discount after this date.

However, if you order "How to Patent Ideas, Information and Inventions" online by midnight Saturday, October 19th, it's yours risk-free for an incredibly low $37. That's $22.95 off the everyday price – about what most people spend on a tank of gas. And trust me, any ONE of the amazing tips and secrets will pay for the book.

Finally, because I really want this test to increase sales, I'm throwing in TWO exciting Free Bonus Ebooks if you order online by midnight Saturday, October 19th .


Copyrights - Everything you need to know ($14.95 value) Yours for FREE

This book takes entrepreneurs through the copyright process, explaining what a copyright does, and how this form of legal protection covers the authors or creators of original works. You will learn how to qualify and register for a copyright, what to do in the case of a copyright infringement. It also covers the topic of royalties and sales of copyrights.

What does a copyright cover?
How long does a copyright apply?

Find the answers to these questions and more!

If you are serious about protecting your works, whether they are published or not, this book is a must in order to help you dispel the myths and get all the information that you really need to know.

Trademarks - Everything you need to know ($14.95 value) Yours for FREE

A trademark is a powerful branding tool that is designed to make your product stand out and be easily identified by consumers. It should represent the product or company, and convey valuable information to the consumer. It can be a word, symbol, sound, or a combination of all of them. A truly potent trademark can convey the message the producer wants to convey in the simplest way possible.

This book explains the importance of this process, and guides the reader through how trademarks work, how to create an effective trademark, the registration process, and what to do once your trademark is in action.

There is a lot of confusion around this process, and this handy book goes a long way towards explaining the process involved. A good read for those who need to get the facts.



One Final Bonus For This Week Only!

During this marketing test, I'm including one extra bonus for this weeks customers. It's a free email consultation, whereby you can email me and ask me specifically what you need help with. I usually charge $100 per hour for my consultations, so this is an extremely useful bonus.

Many of you could pay thousands of dollars to a patent attorney to deal with this whole task, and eventually may reach success but there is a better way.

For a limited time, for only $37 you receive a step by step guide showing you everything you need to know and everything you need to do to successfully process a patent application yourself and save yourself the stress and aggravation of needlessly paying a lawyer to do it. No need to spend all of the years and money I did to get where I am. Just follow the instructions and follow my tips immediately.

Download now - there's literally no risk.

You'll know in a few minutes all about how to save yourself thousands of dollars and process your patent application yourself . And with my instant money-back guarantee, there is literally NO RISK for you.

The fastest way to order is directly online with our SECURE 3RD PARTY RETAILER - CLICKBANK. With Clickbank your purchase is secure and bears the BBB reliability seal. Purchase with confidence and security. Keep in mind that when you use our order form on our Secure Server, you can access the ebook, download it and print it out within 5 minutes so you can start protecting all your hard work NOW.

I look forward to getting a letter from you, telling me about your success with your application and how much money you saved. Even though I get an enormous amount of mail, please write to me. I'd love to hear your success story!

Your No-Risk 3 Month Instant Money-Back Guarantee

That’s right! Take up to 3 months to use and examine my crucial information and techniques in "How to Patent Ideas, Information and Inventions". That’s up to 90 days to put these valuable strategies to work on protecting your inventions.

Read the book and try processing an application yourself, or with my help. If you approach this application step-by-step it is possible for you to do it. Once you have used these strategies, I’m confident that you’ll NEVER want to send it back!

But, if you aren’t satisfied for any reason, or it doesn’t live up to your expectations, you won’t be out one red cent. Just send me an email and I will refund your payment right up to the final day of this 90 day guarantee.

Start "How to Patent Ideas, Information and Inventions today! Yes, you get immediate access even at 2:00 AM.



John Peterson

P.S. This course is an electronic download so you can get started right away! No Shipping, No Waiting!

P.P.S. If you don't order "How to Patent Ideas, Information and Inventions" right now, how will you learn all of the tricks and techniques that you need to know to protect your investment?

You have nothing to lose ordering "How to Patent Ideas, Information and Inventions", no matter what country you're in. Start your Patent Mission today!

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